ABOUT  Thomas & AJ


Hi, I’m Thomas.

My professional journey has been diverse and fulfilling, with many years spent teaching and coaching collegiate forensics and conducting corporate workshops on communication and intercultural diversity.

I hold a Ph.D. in Communication and Culture from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and it was during my time working in Washington, D.C., that I discovered my latent metaphysical gifts. Under the guidance of my mentor and instructor Sheila Cash, I began my path as an intuitive channel.

Since then, I’ve expanded my expertise through certifications in Reiki, Angel Card Reading, Oneness Blessing, and Two-Feather Healing, and I am currently completing a Doctorate in Theocentric Psychology.

As a lifelong learner, I continue to immerse myself in the study of metaphysics, spiritualism, conscious evolution, and related teachings. One of my greatest joys is mentoring others who are beginning to explore their own intuitive and spiritual callings.

Together with my husband AJ, and as co-founders of Speaking From Source LLC, it is our joy and honor to channel The Guides for you.

We are available to speak and channel at your next event or conference. For business inquiries, please email us at: [email protected].

Book Your Session with The Guides

Hello, I am AJ.

I’m an Arcturian Starseed who became aware of my gifts as a child growing up in Australia. By the age of 9, I was fascinated by the mysteries of Ancient Egypt, and its metaphysical practices. This fascination led me to meeting Ishbel, one of Australia’s leading clairvoyants, who became my first spiritual mentor when I was 12.

I've been fortunate to have retained and deepened my abilities such as telepathy, astral projection, and now a profound connection with 'The Guides,' whom I channel today alongside my husband, Tom, where we share one mind to bringing forward their messages.

In 2023, Tom and I produced a 12-episode TV series: The Infinite Pathway: Journey to Self-Realization, for SoulSearchTV, to share the wisdom of The Guides in simple, practical terms that anyone can understand and apply.

Traveling and speaking about spirituality and The Guides are my true passions. In 2022, I had the privilege of visiting Egypt, where I participated in meditations to activate the consciousness grid inside the Great Pyramid of Cairo and at the Osirian Temple in Luxor alongside Matías De Stefano.

We currently live in sunny Phoenix, Arizona, with our two beautiful cats, Eclipse and Moonbeam.


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The Universe is Speaking...

What does it want to say to YOU?

Meet 'The Guides'

The messages from Universal Intelligence that come through Intuitive Channels Thomas and AJ are from a collective of non-physical entities that Thomas and AJ have lovingly named 'The Guides.'  

Each of The Guides come from and represent different spiritual realms: angels, indigenous ancestors, elementals, ascended masters, intergalactic beings, and spiritual guides. Each of The Guides bring their unique energy and perspective to ensure the message from Source is best communicated. At times they come as a collective group with one voice to express what Source wants humanity to understand.  

As The Guides have explained, the Divine Light from Source, in which all knowledge and understanding is held, is itself too bright for humans to directly take in. The Guides exist at closer proximity to the Light and can pass down the Wisdom of Source to humans.

The Guides are faithful messengers, but the messages themselves come from Source, and The Guides treat those messages with great reverence and awe, even when they use humor to make the message clear for us.

The Guides have been communicating with Thomas and AJ for several years, though some have been known to Thomas or AJ for much of their lives. The Guides have patiently worked with Thomas and AJ over the years to help them receive the messages from Source with ease and clarity. 

Thomas and AJ, in their regular spiritual practice, make time each week to commune with The Guides in their dedicated temple-space. The time with The Guides feels like a gentle hug and Thomas and AJ never want each session with them to end.  We are sure you will feel the same way once you experience them for yourself.

What we're about:

Our mission at Speaking From Source LLC is to share the insights received by Intuitive Channels Thomas Workman and AJ Cavanagh from Source Consciousness with individuals around the globe. 

By doing so, we aim to help those who receive them reach new levels of consciousness, enabling them to live more fulfilling and joyful lives. 

Our goal is to assist seekers in deepening their understanding of themselves, their relationships with their environment, and their connection to the Universe.   

We hope these channeled messages empower individuals to embrace their true potential, navigate life's challenges with grace, and contribute positively to the collective evolution of consciousness.

We are just two of many voices Source is currently using to raise human consciousness, ensuring that there is a diversity of messengers to meet the many needs of people across the planet. We know there are some that can hear Source Consciousness best from our channeling, while others are best served by other channels. This is all part of our collective ascension.

We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve Source, and we remain devoted students of The Guides ourselves.

- Thomas and AJ, Intuitive Channels for The Guides.

Meet the Team

Want to join us? Email: [email protected]

Tina McDonald

Online Event Moderator

Tina is a Reiki practitioner based in Chicago, Illinois and serves as our Event Moderator for our monthly online channeling ''Live with The Guides".

Christina La Spina

Local Event Moderator

Christina is a Crainiosacral Therapist based in Phoenix, Arizona and serves as our local events moderator during our live channeling events in Phoenix.  

Do you have a passion for metaphysics?

 We may have a volunteer opportunity for you to assist us in social media, marketing, event photography, or podcasting. Send us an email with your information and how you'd like to help.