How I Opened to Channeling

aj. cavanagh channeling source intuitive channels the guides Jan 21, 2025

I never intended to channel. I’d admired several channels along the way but found others too overbearing in their style or tone. I’d feared, also, that if I channeled on my own, I would somehow lose control or let go too much and never find my way back to me! It was an unfounded fear, but it was something that I was mindful of nonetheless.

I’d always seen myself as an intuitive psychic. Ever since I could remember, I would be that kid who could sense unseen energies, point out a UFO overhead, or guess where things were lost or hidden. As a psychic, though, I’ve never relied on cards, ruins, or any of the traditional tools often employed by psychics. I just relied on the impressions that come to mind.

In later years, I also found that I was a good medium. My older brother passed away when I was in my early 20s, and one of the ways I coped was to change my relationship of loss, to that of an open dialogue. It was as if he was right there with me (which in essence, he was). It gave me a lot of comfort, but also offered many impressions and responses from him. As I encountered others with friends or relatives that had passed, including people I had known, or known of indirectly, I found I was also able to tap into their consciousness from the other side and provide messages of comfort and confirmation.

And if that was not enough, I’d always had a connection to the extraterrestrial beings. I considered myself a Starkid, or Starseed (someone who has had incarnations other than human). I sometimes found myself talking with them about life and my concerns out loud in moments when I was alone, or in my mind on other occasions.

As I would ‘read’ for others, often they would ask me to ‘take a look’ at a situation, and I would close my eyes and clear my mind and then share the impressions that came to me. It was fascinating, although some seemed to have preferred a more traditional card reading, then trust the impressions I was receiving from source. Nonetheless, I still stuck to my own process, as I knew it was right.

But it would not be until several years later, when I met my husband to be, Thomas, that I discovered with his feedback, that I was actually channeling much of the ‘psychic’ impressions I was receiving. Thomas had studied channeling with his mentor Shiela for some time and proved to be quite a gifted channel, once he had learned to settle his body and allow the energy to work through him. It was captivating for me to hear the sounds and see the mannerisms from those of whom he was channeling. I was in awe to witness the personalities that came though him and be privy to the precious messages they were happy to convey.

I expressed to Thomas my awe at his abilities and my own desire to channel. I also shared my reluctance at channeling by myself, without someone there to guide me with the techniques involved. Thomas sat me down and we went through a process to open up to receive channeling. And BINGO! The extraterrestrial beings spoke through me right then in that first session and began to offer their wisdom and insight. It was thrilling for me to have Thomas there as a witness, and from that day forward, we both began our channeling sessions together. Most often, Thomas would channel the Native Elders (or what we now call ‘the Grandfathers’), and I would channel the extraterrestrials (or what we now call ‘the beings’). The insight and experiences were thrilling to us both, as was our rapid learning to understand and master the process as joint channels. We could sense when the beings would ‘step in’ and recognize the vibration of who was coming to join us, or when they had left. Our sessions were and are always set with the intention that the information received be of the truest and best, and only for our highest good.

Then at one of our evening sessions, something incredible happened. We had already learned to sense when the energy would ‘cross the room’ to where Thomas was channeling, and I would question. The energy would then release, cross the room to me and I would channel, and he would ask the questions. But on this occasion, rather than Thomas channeling the Native Beings, it was me. It was a remarkable experience. But the same also happened for Thomas – he found himself channeling the extraterrestrial beings.

Another remarkable experience we both have often, is when the question is being asked and the channel already is aware of the question, or answers the question before it has had a chance to be fully verbalized. This indicated to us both that even as questioner, there is a channeling experience shared between us in our sessions.

What they have told us is that it really does not matter who channels who and that from their perspective, they offer insight from the same source – from the Divine consciousness of the Universe. It was a thrilling revelation to hear this from them. From then on, it was clear to us both that we were to serve as active channels for source consciousness. Once we came to this realization, the veil was indeed lifted, and our lives changed from that point on. We are both so grateful for the experience, to the Guides and the opportunity to be of such wonderful service.