The Energy of Opposition
Jan 24, 2025
Like the haze of pollution only seen from a distance, the cumulative impact of our small and seemingly innocent oppositions silently reduce the quality of life for all of us. No wonder so many are unable to feel lasting joy.
Watching the incivility at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 was heart-wrenching for both me and AJ — not only because of the violence and destruction that occurred but because of the negative vibrational frequency we were acutely feeling.
If you are unfamiliar with the concept of vibrational frequency, a brief primer: Thoughts indeed are things. All human thought generates energy expressing as vibration. How the energy expresses, or the frequency at which it reverberates, determines how it affects us. Thought frequencies most impact humans in two ways: They immediately affect our emotions, and they attract similar thoughts (which adds more power to the feeling). Ultimately, all manifestations begin as thoughts. Think something long enough, and you’ll see it appearing in your life.
Collective thought has even greater power – when a group of humans share the same ideas, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, the frequency grows in its power. Therefore the effect is exponentially more potent.
Such was the case on January 6. The collective anger and opposition of the thousands of protesters in Washington D.C. that day was different than the many protests that had filled the streets of the nation’s capital for decades. In most of those protests, marches, and rallies, the people were pushing toward a positive improvement – they were promoting a better world. But on January 6, the overwhelming energy was that of opposition. The mob was pushing against the current reality, and those generating the energy wanted to tear down rather than build anything up. As we’ve all learned from watching the interviews and video recordings since the event, the crowd’s single intention was to stop the peaceful transfer of power and tear our government apart.
It is rare to experience a negative frequency with such power. It resonated throughout Washington, D.C., and across the nation and world; it was so palpable that it generated similar manifestations in cities across the country. The frequency had been growing in intensity for several months, but on January 6, it exploded, and it is still in the process of subsiding. Not since the events of September 11, 2001, has the nation felt a frequency as strongly. I spent several hours in our temple trying to send whatever light I could and ask The Guides about what I was feeling.
While they assured me that there was a great deal of light being sent from humans across the planet and from the spiritual realms, they also reminded me that it is in unwanted experiences that humans become most precise about what they want. The Guides often remind me of this truth, especially in these months of a raging pandemic and ongoing political unrest. The contrast is necessary, they said; you are not the only one feeling the effects of opposition’s frequency and asking for something better. It is humanity’s collective asking that will manifest the awareness of the destructive energy and bring an improvement.
But the more important lesson, they showed me, is the effect of our small daily oppositional thoughts, which we think unconsciously: Our complaining of a law or policy that we find burdensome; the times we criticize a coworker or neighbor or family member; our undermining of a process because we think it should be done a different way, the boycotting of a store or restaurant because we disagreed with the owner’s beliefs. I realized that I think from an oppositional perspective far more often than I want to admit, and that’s after spending years communing with Divine Source Consciousness. Every time I spoke against someone or something, every time I resisted or found fault in an idea, every time I rejected a compliment or scolded myself for being inadequate, I was generating the frequency of opposition.
The Guides showed me the slow cumulative effect of these thoughts: Like the haze of pollution only seen from a distance, the cumulative impact of these small and seemingly innocent oppositions silently reduce the quality of life for all of us. No wonder so many are unable to feel lasting joy. We continually surround ourselves with thoughts of opposition, defiance, and resistance. And though most of us don’t do so as dramatically as we saw at the Capitol, our small oppositions have a very real effect on our state of joy.
As they often do, The Guides immediately raised the irony of my desire to do something to help the world stop their oppositional thinking. You won’t find much benefit, they chuckled, opposing oppositional thought.
Nor do you need to. As humans, we create our reality, which means that we can decide only to look at the positive aspects of our environment and avoid paying attention to those things that annoy us. Soon, we are only experiencing the things that give us joy. The positive vibration that contrasts with opposition is cooperation. The Divine Light never says no to anything – it only says yes, forcing us to consider what we truly want. We would do well to remove “no” from our vocabulary and focus exclusively on the many, many things that are possible when we say “yes.”