Wisdom Keepers

Featured in 'Wisdom Keepers' is a chapter from AJ with insight from 'The Guides' about where we find the source of wisdom.

The authors share wisdom kept safe in traditions, tributes, and the unwinding of the self await you inside these beautifully written pages.

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When Angels Speak

Featured in 'When Angels Speak' is a moving and insightful chapter from Thomas: 'When We call for Angels'.

Thomas, along with 21 other Angel Communicators help you tap into the energy of the Archangels and guardian angels to help you discover your unique abilities when connecting to this divine source of wisdom.

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Featured in 'Manifestations' is a chapter from AJ  about the power of dreaming BIG: 'Oh Lord, Won't You Buy Me a Mercedes-Benz!' 

The authors in 'Manifestations' share amazing stories of how their lives are affected by applying principles of attraction which you can use to bring your dreams into reality

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Ordinary Oneness

Featured in 'Ordinary Oneness' is a chapter from  Thomas called 'The Practice of Collective Desire'. Thomas shares The Guide's perspective who tell us that oneness is a wonderful symptom of unity.

In this book the authors explore the simplicity of everyday love, grace and hope in our lives and helps us recognize how they lead to more possibilities in your life.

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The Grateful Soul

Featured in 'The Grateful Soul' is a chapter from AJ and Thomas who channel the Guide's perspective on gratefulness in their chapter: 'Gratitude from the Guides'.

In this book the authors explore the art and practice of gratitude in a way that is relatable, insightful, and authentic, showing how even the smallest of gifts can make a huge impact on the lives of others.

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Physical Book Sale
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Available Titles:
  • Wisdom Keepers
  • The Grateful Soul
  • Manifestations

Listen to an excerpt and review from the Beverly Fells Jones Radio Show of AJ's chapter from Manifestations about the power of dreaming BIG!

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